We have added a pair of Web Site Accelerators into your Hosting Control Panel that can assist you effortlessly optimize the online functionality of your web sites. You won’t need to update anything at all within the program code or come up with specific configuration settings that require specialized know–how on your part. In the Hosting Control Panel, merely select the application you need to implement – Varnish, Node.js, and Memcached and set up an instance for it. It’s all done with a mouse click. By quickening your sites, you’ll not just prevent your website visitors from being required to hang on but will also make your website get a better position in search engine results.

You can find the Web Site Accelerators inside the Advanced Applications area of your Hosting Control Panel.


RAM–caching rather than data–base queries

If you have a busy database–operated site or application, it may have issues running quickly for the visitors because of the numerous queries delivered to the database. To aid you fix the web page running problem, we’ve integrated the Memcached tool in the Hosting Control Panel.

Memcached is known as a powerful memory–based object store, which caches data and also objects in the server’s RAM to stop the data base from getting queried every time a customer loads a selected web page. Using this method, your web site pages are going to start a lot faster for visitors and will definitely increase the chance for them to return.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as a substitute for HTTP queries

Utilizing the Varnish website accelerator instrument built into our Hosting Control Panel, you can easily make your website web pages run quickly for your visitors. All configuration settings are done via a user friendly interface, without having to make any direct changes to the code of your web site.

Varnish is really an HTTP acceleration instrument that will help all webpages load a lot faster by storing them within the server memory. In this way, after a page has been opened up by a visitor to your site in the past, it doesn’t need to be shipped by the server any longer, which generally lessens website loading speeds and speeds up your web pages. It’s been tested that Varnish commonly boosts website speed times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

Hepsia File Manager


A good way to build up flexible apps

Should you want to generate an app, it is advisable to have the equipment you’ll need accessible to you right away, without the need to lookup, assemble and set them up. Big Green Host’s Hosting Control Panel can save you equally well money and time, by offering you the equipment you will want right at your fingertips.

The Node.js software allows for coders, no matter if they are experts or otherwise, to produce flexible network programs and websites. It is in line with the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also the libUV. Node.js takes advantage of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light and also useful, great for data–loaded real–time applications operating through distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager